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Page 25

  “Yes?” She ran her finger along the cleft in his jaw. He had shaved before coming to her tonight, and she loved the clean, strong lines of his face.

  His eyes glittered. “When you thought I had died, why didn’t you go to the convent, as you said you would?”

  She thought for a moment, staring into the night beyond the single lit candle which sputtered by the bedside. She rested her chin on his chest. “When I believed you dead, I realized I had let so many moments between us go to waste. The true curse was not in believing Miguel had the power to hurt us from the grave, but in letting my fears control my destiny.” She looked at him. “I knew you would not want that of me. I knew, too, there would never be another like you, curse or no. I believed the curse was broken on that day, despite the evidence of your death. God had given me true love, and no evil could survive it. Evil cannot win against the love God gives to honest hearts. I decided to live in the world, to return to my father. When I learned I carried your child, I knew I had made the right decision.”

  Günter nodded. “God honored it.”

  “Yes. As he will honor us for the rest of our days.”

  He looked at her, brushed the hair back from her shoulder, and kissed her skin there. “You don’t fear it anymore, then? The curse, I mean?”

  She lifted her chin, stared into his eyes. “I fear nothing with you by my side. And I will make you a promise, my love. One I will keep forever, until the day we die—whether it is tomorrow, or thirty years from now.” She reached down to where his staff was already beginning again to stir against her hip, and squeezed gently.

  “Umm. Yes?” He appeared distracted, his eyes closing at her touch.

  “I will say the words ‘I love you’ at each sunrise, and repeat them at every sunset. What do you think of that?”

  He smiled then and opened his beautiful eyes to gaze at her with longing. “I think you’ve fallen behind and must make haste to catch up.”

  She laughed. “Then let me begin at once … I love you, I love you, I love—”

  He silenced her words with a soft, sweet kiss.



  I DISCOVERED THE WORLD OF THE LANDSKNECHT SOLDIER while writing my debut novel, The Legacy. One of the Behaim brothers, Günter, became a mercenary soldier because I was fascinated with the idea of the mercenaries hired by emperors, popes, and princes alike to fight their never-ending battles of territorial disputes across Europe during this period. Several nonfiction works published by Osprey helped me to flesh out this world and the Battle of Pavia, a climactic turning point from medieval to modern warfare: Pavia 1525: The Climax of the Italian Wars and Campaign Series 44: Pavia 1525, by Angus Konstam; Landsknecht Soldier: 1486 — 1560 by John Richards; and The Landsknechts, by Douglas Miller. These books were invaluable in giving a sense of the times, characters, and strategies employed by military commanders to win the battle. Thanks also to the numerous reenactment societies with homes on the Web, in particular Gerry and Julie’s Landsknecht Site ( and The Guild of St. Michael — South for their insights into the difficult life of a camp follower.

  Some of the commanders depicted in this book actually lived: Georg von Frundsberg, General Lannoy, and Mark Sittlich all had a hand in the campaign, as did, of course, the French King Francis I. All other characters depicted in the novel are fictitious. For literary purposes, I have altered some historical facts and played loosely with time and space in a few minor instances, for which I hope I can be forgiven. Of course, any errors in fact are mine and mine alone.



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